USB Device not Recognized
Today we will offer 7 fastest solutions to USB Device Malfunctioned and not Recognized error in Windows when you are trying to connect the USB device. When you are trying to connect the USB device with the computer and willing to find some important documents you stored on the USB device, suddenly the Windows informs an error message: USB device not recognized. It means the last USB device malfunctioned and Windows does not recognize it. We found that many users had such errors on Windows 7/8/10 when they tried to connect the USB device with the computer. USB does not show up on or not recognized means you cannot access the USB device at this moment. Although this problem is quite the head-scratcher, it doesn’t mean we cannot fix it. The following are 7 fastest solutions that any Windows user can give a shot and try to get rid of the USB device malfunctioned and not recognized problems. 7 Fastest Solutions to Fix USB Device Malfunctioned and not Recognized Error ...